Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Education provides people with the knowledge and skills to increase employment prospects, reduce poverty and improve health and wellbeing.
Goal 4 is closely tied to gender equality, as millions of girls and women across the world are either denied or only given a limited education. Being unable to access educational opportunities can significantly impact on women and girls’ ability to earn an income and provide for their families. A lack of education can also result in reduced health and wellbeing, increased social isolation and the ability to take part in decision-making processes.
There are many ambitious targets to be met by 2030, including: all girls and boys to complete free, quality primary and secondary school education; all people to have access to quality and affordable technical, vocational and tertiary education, and the elimination of gender discrimination so that girls and women have equal opportunities to access education.
This Goal also calls for the building and maintaining of educational infrastructure that is disability-friendly, increasing training for teachers and expanding the number of scholarships available to people from developing countries.