Half of the year 2021 has gone by, and daily Covid-19 cases in Malaysia are still very high. More than 600,000 households from the middle-income group (M40) have slipped into the B40 category since the pandemic. Even charity and non-profit organisations are running low on funds to help the these poor and underprivileged communities.

The escalating situation has compelled Malaysians to take matters into their own hands, as seen with the #BenderaPutih (White Flag), #KitaJagaKita and #RakyatJagaRakyat movements.
Ms. Kiren, who is the director from INFINITE MINDS ACADEMY together with KIWANIS CLUB KOTA DAMANSARA have joined hands to provide Food Aid distribution to parents of Special Needs in Ampang.

Food distributions were performed in SMK Seri Ampang, school in KL and the beneficiaries were all parents of Special Needs people.

We also wish to thank the supplier Pasaraya Arena of Pandan Perdana KL, for having packed the items in boxes and also providing free transportation to the location.
Total Number of Recipients : 34 families
Value in RM : RM100 per box
Total = RM100 x 34 = RM3,400

If you are interested to support us as part of your CSR efforts, please get in touch with us by calling +6012-257 9498.